I always find, when I talk about the Presidential elections with someone, that what you're most passionate about dictates what you think about and who you'll vote for canidate-wise. It was the same during the Republican primaries. If your main concern was the economy, you were more than likely behind Romney. If your main concern was the war, you were more than likely behind McCain. I'm finding that with the McCain/Obama deal. A lot of Canadians I talk to think Obama is the coolest thing since sliced bread. They don't understand why I don't really care for him. Well, I guess it's because of what my primary concern is. It's not the war, though that's important. It's not the economy, although it affects me greatly. Both of those things take a back burner to my primary concern: morality.
My primary concern this election season is which Presidental team is going to be morally right for our country. Forget the war, forget the economy. I believe a lot of the reason we're in the state we're in now, with the war and economy, is because of the loss of our morality, the basic principles this country, and humanity itself, was built upon. If you really think about it, why did Al-Qaeda target our country during 9/11? They blamed us for the immorality that was ruining their "world". Our Hollywood. Am I saying that if we were a moral country 9/11 would never of happened? Absolutely not; they really wanted to attack us...they probably would have come up with another reason. But our immorality, what we are now letting slide, is attracting worldwide attention.
But this begs another question. Has the United States gone too far? Is there a point that can be passed where we can't go back to the way things were meant to be? The way they were in the beginning? If so, have we passed that point?
Maybe I'm way offbase. But in my mind, I kind of parallel it with a section of Scripture in Hebrews. There is a section of verses in that book that I have never understood, that seemed to violate my beliefs of second chances and the ability to rededicate after backsliding. The NIV puts Hebrews 6:4-6 this way:
4It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, 5who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, 6if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.
I will still confess I don't totally understand that verse. But could this verse fit the principle of going too far? Is it possible to go so far against God that there's no way you can come back? Or is it speaking with the foreknowledge that there are going to be those believers, who know the joys of heaven and salvation, who turn away and go so far that they wouldn't want to be brought back?
If so, to parallel, if I may, has the United States reached this point? We've had it good for a long time, prior to September 11, 2001. We shared in the riches of innocence and power. We tasted the goodness of it. And slowly, through the many decades since the founding of our country, we've very slowly, almost gracefully, moved away from it, until now we are barely recognizable compared to the amazing God-fearing country we were known as. Can we ever come back?
My 9th Tecmo Super Bowl tournament took place on Sunday afternoon. There
were 11 participants. We added the computer as a 12th team to make 3
5 weeks ago
Tammy, great post. Although, my absentee ballot will be ticked for Obama, I am just glad that you thought it through. I am kind of sick of people voting republican just because they are a republican. Or because Pat Robertson or James Dobson tells them to. Plus, I just like people to vote!
Thanks, Heather. You know, I am almost tempted, when I register this time round, to register as an Independent, that way I can vote for who I want without wearing the label Republican or Democrat. Honestly, both party's have strayed far from their roots, so what's the point of them anymore? I don't like hearing that I'm a "bad Christian" if I don't vote Republican. We should all be Independent, lol.
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